COVID-19 in Lesotho
Your efforts in the past, assisted this country with its HIV pandemic. Thousands of lives were saved. Your efforts now, will help Lesotho tackle this new pandemic.

In 2008, Bracelet of Hope’s community of supporters reached an outstanding goal of raising $1 million for the first HIV/AIDS clinic in Lesotho, Africa. We, as ordinary citizens, were able to keep 11,000 people alive and well on HIV treatment throughout 2009. Since then, Bracelet of Hope’s efforts have supported multiple income generating activities, 6 foster homes housing 45 orphans and vulnerable children and, most recently, the launch of Mobile Health Units that now bring health care to people living in the most remote regions of the country. Thirty percent of Lesotho’s population is HIV positive, most of them, women and children. Bracelet of Hope’s efforts along with the efforts of so many other local and international organizations, have allowed most of these people to access lifesaving treatment, allowing them to live normal lives.
Now, Lesotho is under threat of COVID 19. The country will not stand a chance against this deadly virus without outside help. Bracelet of Hope is poised to assist. With the launch of our first mobile health unit just days before the pandemic was declared, we are ready to reach out to the beloved people of Lesotho. In providing education around social distancing and self isolating and the proper use of masks we hope to reduce and prevent the spread. Additionally by delivering primary health care that prevents and treats chronic diseases we hope to decrease the risk of serious complications of COVID 19 that occur in individuals with underlying diseases like diabetes, heart disease and lung disease.

Your efforts in the past, assisted this country with its HIV pandemic. Thousands of lives were saved. Your efforts now, will help Lesotho tackle this new pandemic. Nothing is impossible when we work together for the good of others. Donate what you can during these difficult times. Lives being protected from COVID 19 are lives saved and the good guys win